unMASKing HOPE chronicles the extraordinary stories of a disparate group of trauma survivors who don “masks” that bury their spiritual, physical and emotional pain. From survivors of 9/11
and mass shootings, to service members in combat and chronic sexual abuse victims, the film goes behind their MASKS to experience the abuse, social stigma, and moral injury that have scarred their souls. As we are taken on their journey from seclusion to inclusion, we realize that the aggregate stories of these brave individuals share a powerful message of HOPE, inspiring us
to unMASK our own HOPE and be whom we were born to be. Ultimately the film demonstrates
the resiliency of the human spirit and promotes tolerance and empathy for those who have
been stigmatized by unthinkable traumatic events.
While driven by emotional storytelling, unMASKing HOPE includes expert commentary
from academics, scientists and doctors at the pinnacles of their fields who offer insights around
the complexities of trauma and the long process of healing and recovery.
They include Dr. Jeremy Crosby, Trauma Therapist/Expert and Author of the book,
“A Mind Frozen in Time – A PTSD Recovery Guide”; Dr. Amit Etkin – Psychiatrist / Researcher
at Etkin Lab / Faculty at Stanford University; and Dr. Arieh Shalev –
New York University Barbara Wilson Professor of Psychiatry, Department of Psychiatry.